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indian election officials in northern cities of nagaur and haridwar prepare voter verifiable paper audit trail , electronic voting machine , and... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:01
junge frau schüttelt dem wahlbeamten die hand und gibt ihm ihren ausweis - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
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election officials count votes during the vote counting process in turkey's general election on may 14, 2023 in istanbul, turkey. today, president... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:24
chicago, il, us - residents and election officials in a polling place during the chicago 2023 municipal election in chicago, il on thursday, february... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:32
sacramento, ca, u.s. - voters to receive mail-in ballots in california. on tuesday, october 11, 2022. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:38
voter arrives at park tavern during 2020 presidential election on november 3, 2020 in atlanta georgia. georgia is considered a key state for both... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
clark county election department poll workers check in voters at a table as people vote at the meadows mall on october 21, 2024 in las vegas, nevada.... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
election official check a electronic voting machine after collection from a polling materials distribution centre on april 18, 2024 in jorhat, india.... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:18
signage outside polling station in hutchison elementary school in herndon, virginia. this year’s super tuesday primaries will put donald trump on the... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
voter approaching election official to pick up their ballot at polling station in goldsboro, north carolina. this year’s super tuesday primaries will... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
officials assisting voters at a polling place during presidential election in istanbul, turkey on sunday, may 14, 2023. turkish president recep... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
voter register during the u.s. senate runoff election at a polling station in atlanta, georgia, u.s. on tuesday, december 6, 2022. georgians head to... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
an election worker scan ballots at the maricopa county tabulation and election center on november 10, 2022 in phoenix, arizona. ballots continue to... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
miami-dade election official with the miami-dade county elections department conducts a comprehensive examination of the voting equipment that will... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:17
chicago, il, u.s. - exteriors and interiors of polling place at chicago loop during early voting. on friday, october 7, 2022. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:08
chicago, il, u.s. - voters filling out ballots at polling place during early voting at chicago loop. on friday, october 7, 2022. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:58
sacramento, ca, u.s. - primary election in california, election officials opening envelopes with ballots on tuesday, june 7, 2022. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:30
clark county election worker scans mail ballots at the clark county election department on october 20, 2020 in north las vegas, nevada. in-person... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:29
clark county election worker scans mail ballots at the clark county election department on october 20, 2020 in north las vegas, nevada. in-person... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:19
poll workers prepare ballot boxes as they arrive at redlands leisure and community park in preparation for the count on may 2, 2024 in weymouth,... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
the 2024 pennsylvania primary election ballot counting at the city of philadelphia’s election warehouse in philadelphia, pennsylvania, us, on... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
election officials make preparations after collecting electronic voting machines from a polling materials distribution centre on april 18, 2024 in... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:23
election officials check in voter at a polling station during presidential primary election at hamtramck high school community center in hamtramck,... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:14
people waiting in line at a polling place during presidential election in istanbul, turkey on sunday, may 14, 2023. turkish president recep tayyip... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
general views of voting in atlanta; usa: georgia: atlanta: int woman voting in polling station / election officials - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:34
with regard to comments like criminal or rigged, there is absolutely no basis for that statement," arizona election official bill gates says after... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:41
an election worker scan ballots at the maricopa county tabulation and election center on november 10, 2022 in phoenix, arizona. ballots continue to... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
an election worker sorts vote-by-mail ballots at the orange county registrar of voters less than two weeks before midterms election day on october... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
chicago, il, u.s. - voters registering and filling out ballots at chicago loop voting site during early voting. on friday, october 7, 2022. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:03
residents and election officials at a polling place in atlanta, georgia, u.s. on tuesday, may 24, 2022. voters across georgia will be voting on... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
poll worker and box of mail-in ballots sent in 2020 u.s. presidential election in germantown, maryland, u.s., on tuesday, october 20, 2020. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:22
election official counting mail-in ballots wearing protective face mask at recreation center in germantown, maryland, u.s., on tuesday, october 20,... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:19
election officials in protective masks during 2020 us presidential election in philadelphia, pa, u.s. on tuesday, november 3, 2020. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
voters arrive at c.t. martin natatorium and recreation center during 2020 presidential election on november 3, 2020 in atlanta georgia. georgia is... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
clark county election worker scans mail ballots at the clark county election department on october 20, 2020 in north las vegas, nevada. in-person... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:30
election officials start counting ballots at a polling station in ankara on april 16, 2017 after the voting for the constitutional referendum ended.... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:04
election officials start counting ballots at a polling station in sakarya on april 16, 2017 after the voting for the constitutional referendum ended.... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:22
election officials start counting ballots at a polling station in trabzon on april 16, 2017 after the voting for the constitutional referendum ended.... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:17
election officials start counting ballots at a polling station in bitlis on april 16, 2017 after the voting for the constitutional referendum ended.... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:16
election officials count the votes at a polling station in adiyaman, turkey after the voting for the constitutional referendum ends in turkey's 32... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:40
election officials count the votes at a polling station in elazig, turkey after the voting for the constitutional referendum ends in turkey's 32... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:30
voters including u.s. senator george mcgovern cast their ballots during the 1972 presidential elections. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:25
voters went to the polls early to vote in 2016 to avoid long lines on election day. footage includes voting machines and a polling place in chicago... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:59
election officials carrying bags of ballots are transported with a turkish army helicopter for security reasons to the polling stations where they... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:58
election officials carrying bags of ballots are transported with a turkish army helicopter for security reasons to the polling stations where they... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:46
election officials carrying bags of ballots are transported with a turkish army helicopter for security reasons to the polling stations where they... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:57
moroccan election officials count ballots after the polls closed in the municipal elections in rabat, morocco on september 4, 2015. footage by... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:14
turkish election officials count ballots coming from turkey's representatives in foreign countries and borders at congresium ankara after the polls... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:28
turkish election officials count ballots after the polls closed in the turkish general election at a polling station in izmir, turkey on june 07,... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:42
turkish election officials count ballots after the polls closed for turkish general election at a polling station in capital ankara, turkey on june... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial02:25
poll workers and embassy employees prepare to carry polling related documents into diplomatic containers for transport to turkey after the voting... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:07
election officers count votes as polling stations closed off during the second round of presidential elections in susah, tunisia on 22 december, 2014. - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:35
tunisian election officials work on counting the votes of tunisian presidential election at a school in the sidi bouzid, tunisia on november 23,... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:05
tunisian prime minister mehdi jomaa casts his ballot for parliamentary election at ibn khaldun polling station in carthage, tunis on october 26,... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:12
tunisian voters wait in queue outside of a polling station to vote for parliamentary election in tunis, tunisia on october 26, 2014. - voters cast... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial01:53
indian man has his finger marked with ink at polling station before voting - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:07
indian woman casting vote at polling station in india's national election - april 7, 2014 - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
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afghan men in polling station on election day, voting in presidential election - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:09
ballot papers being counted in thailand general election, february 2nd 2014 - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:18
poll workers prepare to open a polling station to voters on march 11, 2025 in ilulissat, greenland. greenland is holding a general election today to... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
poll workers prepare to open a polling station to voters on march 11, 2025 in ilulissat, greenland. greenland is holding a general election today to... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
poll workers prepare to open a polling station to voters on march 11, 2025 in ilulissat, greenland. greenland is holding a general election today to... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
poll workers prepare to open a polling station to voters on march 11, 2025 in ilulissat, greenland. greenland is holding a general election today to... - wahlhelfer stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15