arlington national cemetery in den einzelnen grab mit blume - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
cemetery at nunkirche near sargenroth, hunsrueck, rhineland-palatinate, germany - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:16
an ancient gravestone in a churchyard features a skull and crossbones. available in hd. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:14
friedhof. blumen und kerzen. grabsteine des granitfriedhofs. variante 7 - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:27
abu simbel temple with bulb light up after sunset, egypt. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:22
ms zo the burial chamber in the tomb of tutankhamen / egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:14
abu simbel temple with bulb light up after sunset, egypt. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:20
the lid from the sarcophagus of merenptah, which was reused for psuseenes i, is displayed during the "ramses & l'or des pharaons" exhibition held at... - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:19
people gather at the tomb of late soviet leader joseph stalin during a memorial ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of his death on red square in... - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial03:21
tomb of mummy pharaoh tutankhamun in tombs at valley of the kings at luxor near nile river egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:07
wide shot, crane - the great pyramids rise above the giza plateau / egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:16
ms td hieroglyphics paintings on columns in the tomb of seti 1 / egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
ms pan hieroglyph painting on wall of king tut's tomb / egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:21
ms zo the burial chamber in the tomb of tutankhamen / egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:32
cu shot of headstones in cemetery for fallen service men / freetown, sierra leone - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:07
nahaufnahme einiger hieroglyphen in einer wand des abu simbel tempels in ägypten. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
cu zo hieroglyph painting on the wall of king tut's tomb / egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:11
medium angle cemetery. see headstones in rear of church. see red brick church. pan up, see tower with steeple and arched windows up side of tower. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:28
zentralfriedhof - grave stones at the central cemetery in vienna 02 - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:40
walking pov shot following a footpath that weaves between various indo-saracenic and gothic tombs and mausoleums in south park street cemetery, kolkata (formerly calcutta), west bengal, india. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:25
cemetery, statue and ruins of priory on lindisfarne - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:26
view of interior of kv8, tomb of merenptah, valley of the kings, unesco world heritage site, thebes, egypt, north africa, africa - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:33
view of interior of kv8, tomb of merenptah, valley of the kings, unesco world heritage site, thebes, egypt, north africa, africa - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:30
abu simbel temple with bulb light up after sunset, egypt. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:23
tagesszenerie des vernachlässigten christlichen friedhofs mit überwuchertem gras und unkraut zwischen den grabsteinen - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:21
berlin, germany may 1977: footage capturing a solemn tombstone scene in a cemetery, evocative of the 1970s era. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:17
the lid from the sarcophagus of merenptah, which was reused for psuseenes i, is displayed during the "ramses & l'or des pharaons" exhibition held at... - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:27
medium angle of snow falling and covering open grave or crypt in cemetery. religious emblems such as crosses and crucifixes on tombstones or headstones in graveyard. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:04
old graves of the pere lachaise cemetery in summer and no people - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:18
aerial wide shot pyramid of chephren and mycerinus in desert / giza, egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:27
religion,jesus christus,spiritualität,christentum,beten,ostern,nur für erwachsene,uralt,apokalypse,goldfarben,hintergründe,gott,auferstehung - religion,vergebung,grab,leere,keine menschen,religiöses kreuz,kalvarienberg - jerusalem,sonntag,kruzifix - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
entrance of the tomb of ramsses v and vi in luxor - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:12
ms sarcophagus in king's chamber in kheops pyramid / giza, egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
hieroglyphics decorate the walls of a tomb at saqqara, giza, egypt. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
grab mit alten wandmalereien im alten ägypten (luxor). das grab von sethos ii - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:13
grave stones of temple cementary in kamakura, japan - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:21
hieroglyphen am grab von tutanchamun im tal der könige, ägypten - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:30
4k video of the great temple of ramesses ii inside details in abu simbel upper egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:06
grab mit alten hieroglyphen im kom ombo tempel in assuan. ägypten. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
grab mit alten hieroglyphen im edfu-tempel in luxor. ägypten. - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:15
wide shot of cemetery in autumn, rhode island, usa - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:14
grave stones of temple cementary in kamakura, japan - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:18
ms td hieroglyphics painting in tomb of seti 1 / egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:16
jesus christus, spiritualität, religion, christentum, beten,ostern - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:10
paiting egyptian god anubis and horus in tombs at valley of the kings at luxor near nile river egypt - grabmal stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterial00:05