The cast of the television series 'Little House on the Prairie' with a dog on the set of the show, mid 1970s. Clockwise from left: American actors...
New Beginning -- "Little House: Look Back to Yesterday" -- Pictured: Lindsay Kennedy as Jeb Carter, Shannen Doherty as Jenny Wilder, David Friedman...
American actress Melissa Gilbert holds a baby doll in a scene from the episode 'Be My Friend' of the television series 'Little House on the Prairie,'...
Lindsay Greenbush, US actress, with Michael Landon , US actor, Karen Grassle, US actress, Melissa Gilbert, US actress, and Melissa Sue Anderson, US...
Founder's Day" Episode 24 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Sue Anderson as Mary Ingalls, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls, Karen Grassle as Caroline...
American actresses Charlotte Stewart and Alison Arngrim in a scene from the episode of the television series 'Little House on the Prairie' titled...
Some of the cast of the American TV series 'Little House On The Prairie', circa 1980. Clockwise, from top, left: Michael Landon as Charles Ingalls,...
American actress Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls and Canadian actor Dean Butler as Ingalls' fiance, Almanzo James Wilder, in an episode from the...
Matthew Labyorteaux, Michael Landon, Jr., Alison Arngrim, Dean Butler, Lindsay Greenbush, Karen Grassle, and Melissa Sue Anderson of 'Little House On...
Michael Landon , US actor, poses with his arms crossed and resting on his knee with a log cabin the background in a portrait issued as publicity for...
Portrait of, from left, American actors Melissa Gilbert and Michael Landon , and American-born Canadian actress Melissa Sue Anderson, all of the tv...
Haunted House" Episode 5 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Gilbert as Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder -- Photo by: Ted Shepherd/NBCU Photo Bank
Pilot" -- Aired -- Pictured: Melisssa Sue Anderson as Mary Ingalls Kendall, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder -- Photo by: NBCU Photo...
The Handyman" Episode 4 -- Aired -- Pictured: Gil Gerard as Chris Nelson, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls Wilder, Melissa Sue Anderson as Mary...
The Handyman" Episode 4 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls Wilder, Melissa Sue Anderson as Mary Ingalls, Lindsay or Sydney...
Troublemaker" Episode 17 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Gilbert as Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
The Richest Man in Walnut Grove" Episode 1 -- Aired -- Pictured: Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
Teenage actors Rad Daly and Melissa Gilbert at a press photo call, Malibu, California, 12th August 1980.
Teenage actors Rad Daly and Melissa Gilbert at a press photo call, Malibu, California, 12th August 1980.
American actress Alison Arngrim and actor Bob Marsic are married by an unidentified actor in the elopement scene from the episode of the television...
American actress Melissa Gilbert places her hand on the shoulder of American actor Chris Petersen in a scene from the episode of the television...
At the End of the Rainbow" Episode 10 -- Aired -- Pictured: Director Michael Landon with crew on set -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
Pilot Episode -- Air Date -- Pictured: Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls, Karen Grassle as Caroline Quiner Holbrook Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU...
Portrait of members of the cast of the tv show 'Little House on the Prairie' as they make faces for the camera, California, 1978 or 1979. Pictured...
The Handyman" Episode 4 -- Aired -- Pictured: Gil Gerard as Chris Nelson, Melissa Sue Anderson as Mary Ingalls, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls...
Castoffs" Episode 1 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Sue Anderson as Mary Ingalls, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls, Lindsay Sidney Greenbush as Carrie...
The Campout" Episode 9 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Gilbert as Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder, Alison Arngrim as Nellie Oleson -- Photo by: NBCU...
New Beginning -- "Little House: Look Back to Yesterday" -- Pictured: Matthew Laborteaux as Albert Quinn Ingalls, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls...
The Handyman" Episode 4 -- Aired -- Pictured: Karen Grassle as Caroline Quiner Holbrook Ingalls, Lindsay or Sydney Greenbush as Carrie Ingalls,...
Castoffs" Episode 1 -- Aired -- Pictured: Merlin Olsen as Jonathan Garvey, Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
The Campout" Episode 9 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Gilbert as Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder, Alison Arngrim as Nellie Oleson -- Photo by: NBCU...
The Richest Man in Walnut Grove" Episode 1 -- Aired -- Pictured: Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
The Richest Man in Walnut Grove" Episode 1 -- Aired -- Pictured: Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
Harvest of Friends" Episode 1 -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Sue Anderson as Mary Ingalls Kendall, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls Wilder, Michael...
Pilot Episode -- Air Date -- Pictured: Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls Wilder, Karen Grassle as Caroline...
Pilot" -- Aired -- Pictured: Karen Grassle as Caroline Quiner Holbrook Ingalls, Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
Pilot" -- Aired -- Pictured: Melissa Gilbert as Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder, Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
The Campout" Episode 9 -- Aired -- Pictured: Alison Arngrim as Nellie Oleson, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls Wilder -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank
American actor Lorenzo Lamas and his date, American actor Melissa Sue Anderson, of the television show 'Little House on the Prairie,' sit at a table...
Little House On The Prairie," child star, Melissa Gilbert, poses during a 1990 Los Angeles, California, photo portrait session. Gilbert, who played...
American actor Michael Landon stands in a field in a still from the television series, 'The Little House On The Prairie,' circa 1976.
New Beginning -- "Little House: Look Back to Yesterday" -- Pictured: Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls, Matthew Laborteaux as Albert Quinn...
The Hunters" Episode 10 -- Aired -- Pictured: Michael Landon as Charles Philip Ingalls, Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank