Portrait of radical German Protestant reformer Thomas Munzer . Munzer established a communistic theocracy in Mulhausen during the Peasants' Revolt of...
Thomas Muntzer, pastor and rebel leader during the German Peasants' War of 1524 1488 - 27 May 1525. Tinted version.
German peasants war, 1524-1526, german peasants' war, great peasants' revolt, farmer war, farmer revolt, the last speech of muenzer, thomas munzer...
1966Schauspieler, DIntendant Deutsches Theater Berlin- als Titelfigur in "Thomas Münzer" vonFriedrich Wolf mit Eduard von Winterstein, Regie:...
1966Schauspieler, DIntendant des Deutschen Theaters inOst-Berlin- als Titelfigur in "Thomas Münzer" vonFriedrich Wolf, Regie: Wolfgang...
1966Schauspieler, DIntendant des Deutschen Theaters inOst-Berlin- als Titelfigur in "Thomas Münzer" vonFriedrich Wolf, Regie: Wolfgang...
Circa 1525, Engraving of the German religious enthusiast and leader of the Anabaptists Thomas Munzer .
The last steps of Thomas Munzer. Thomas Müntzer, c. 1489 – 1525. German preacher, theologian and a leader of the German peasant and plebeian uprising...
Iconica et historica discripto.: Portrait of Thomas Munzer, 1609. Christoffel van Sichem . Engraving; sheet: 31.3 x 39.4 cm ; platemark: 17.3 x 12.6...