Kahr, Gustav Ritter von *29.11.1862-+ Politician, Germany - Bavarian Prime Minister Kahr, General Erich Ludendorff, and Munich Police Chief Ernst...
Ludendorff, Erich - General, Politician, D *09.04.1865-+ - Portrait - about 1920 Vintage property of ullstein bild
Ludendorff, Erich - General, Politician, D *09.04.1865-+ - on his 70th birthday with his wife Mathilde in front of their house in Tutzing at the Lake...
Ludendorff, Erich - General, Politician, D *09.04.1865-+ - on his 70th birthday with his wife Mathilde in front of their house in Tutzing at the Lake...
Ludendorff, Erich - General, Politician, D *09.04.1865-+ - Portrait - about 1937 Vintage property of ullstein bild
German Empire Kingdom Prussia Silesia province Munich: Wilhelm II *27.01.1859-+ German Emperor 1888-1918 King of Prussia Paul von Hindenburg, Wilhelm...
Die Hauptangeklagten v.l. Pernet, Sohn von Ludendorff, der Führer des 'Bund Oberland' Friedrich Weber, Wilhelm Frick, Hermann Kriebel, Erich...
Offiziere der alten Armee während derGedenkfeier auf dem Schlachtfeld vonTannenberg, vorn: Generalfeldmarschallvon Hindenburg, hinter...
Vorbeimarsch der 'VaterländischenVerbände' vor Reichspräsident vonHindenburg: Generalfeldmarschall Augustvon Mackensen und Reichskanzler WilhelmMarx...
Gedenkminute für die Gefallenen imInnenhof des Ehrenmals. In der Mitte:Reichspräsident von Hindenburg, vornrechts: General Erich Ludendorff
General a.D. Erich Ludendorff nach seiner Ankunft auf dem Bahnhof Schliersee/ Oberbayern im Gespräch m. Österreichischen Angehörigen des Bundes...
Festsitzung der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am Jahrestag ihres Begründers Friedrich II.: 1.Reihe von links: K.A.Hofmann, Prof. Erhardt...
Ludendorff, Erich - Officer, Germany*09.04.1865 - +- death mask - 1943- Photographer: Presse-Illustrationen Heinrich Hoffmann- Vintage property of...
Wilhelm II. *27.01.1859-+German Emperor, King of Prussia- German emperor Wilhelm II. With a group of German officers during World War I., from left,...
Hindenburg and General Erich Ludendorff with the operating department of the Supreme Army Command in Bad Kreuznach
Weltkrieg: Generalfeldmarschall Paul von Hindenburg mit Stabsoffizieren im grossen Hauptquartier in Posen: vorne Hindenburg, links von ihm General...
Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg at his command post; at the scissor telescope Lieutenant Colonel Max Hoffmann, on the right is General Erich...
Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg is looking through a scissor telescope at his command post; on the right is Lieutenant Colonel Max Hoffmann,...
The Hetman of the Ukraine, General Pavlo Skoropadskyi, in the eastern headquarters; to his left is Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, to his right...
Ludendorff, Erich - Officer, Germany*09.04.1865 - +and Adolf Hitler - Photographer: Georg Pahl- undatedVintage property of ullstein bild
Germany - Bavaria - Nuernberg: Manifestation of the Voelkisch National rightists in Nuremberg: General Erich Ludendorff taking the salute of the...
Augusta Viktoria - German Empress, Queen of PrussiaAugusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg *22.10.1858-+funeral procession in...
Augusta Viktoria - German Empress, Queen of PrussiaAugusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg *22.10.1858-+funeral procession in...
Politiker, NSDAP, D- verlässt die Klinik 'Josephinum' inMünchen nach einem Besuch bei demerkrankten General Erich Ludendorff
Ludendorff, Erich *09.04.1865-+General, Officer, Germany- Funeral, Minister of War Werner von Blomberg having the funeral oration in front of the...
Politiker, NSDAP, D- in München im Trauerzug für denverstorbenen General Erich Ludendorff;im Gefolge ReichskriegsministerGeneralfeldmarschall Werner...
Ludendorff, Mathilde 1877-1966teacher, pysician, germanywife of Gen. Erich Ludendorff as 'principal guilty' , defendant before the denazification...
Ludendorff, Erich , , General, Officer, Germany, in his library, - 1935, - Photographer: Presse-Illustrationen Heinrich Hoffmann, Vintage property of...
Goering, Hermann Wilhelm - Politician, NSDAP, Germany - with General Erich von Ludendorff - Published by: 'Das Reich' 02/1943 Vintage property of...
German Emperor Wilhelm II in the German headquarters in Spa on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his regime; from the left: Paul von...
'Wilhelm II , German Emperor and king of Prussia, with Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff at the military headquarters in Spa looking at the...
Ludendorff, Erich , , Offizier, D, Beisetzung : Die Fahnen des Regiments 'General Ludendorff' bei der Überführung des Sarges vom Siegestor zur...
From the great time. A gathering of German leaders from the First World War. Kaiser Wilhelm II sitting in front of a table surrounded by alliance...
German Command. Left to right: Paul Von Hindenburg, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Erich Ludendorf are shown looking at a map. Undated.
Paul Von Hindenburg German general and president, in uniform with Erich F.W. Ludendorff, also a German general and politican. SEE NOTE
Wilhelm Freiherr von Gayl Ceremony in memory of the Battle of Tannenberg in Koenigsberg / East Prussia, Wilhelm Freiherr von Gayl speaking, the...
Erich Ludendorff German military officer World War I: Ludendorff with Lieutenant Max Hoffmann scrutinizing a map in the headquarters of the Eastern...
Paul von Hindenburg German field marshal and statesman 2nd President of Gemany 1925-34 Laying of the cornerstone of the Tannenberg memorial on the...
Paul von Hindenburg German field marshal and statesman 2nd President of Gemany 1925-34 Commemoration of the Battle of Tannenberg , officers of the...
Paul von Hindenburg German field marshal and statesman 2nd President of Gemany 1925-34 Laying of the cornerstone of the Tannenberg memorial on the...
Paul von Hindenburg German field marshal and statesman 2nd President of Gemany 1925-34 Commemoration of the Battle of Tannenberg , officers of the...
World War I, Battle of Tannenberg : German Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and his staff. Right of him General Erich Ludendorff, left of him...
World War I, Battle of Tannenberg : German Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and his staff. Right of him General Erich Ludendorff, left of him...
World War I, eastern front: staff of General Erich Ludendorff, head of the German supreme command - probably in 1915/1916 Photo: Kuehlewindt
World War I, eastern front: arrival of Quartermaster General Erich Ludendorff in the German headquarters - 1916
German general Erich Ludendorff is cheered by crowds at an army celebration in Tutzing, Bavaria, circa 1935.
General Erich Ludendorff, German First World War general, 1926. After distinguishing himself in German's victories on the Eastern Front in 1914 and...
German President Paul Ludwig von Hindenburg with soldier Erich Ludendorff on their way to meet Ferdinand of Bulgaria on a state visit