Young Jacqueline Bouvier rides horseback as her dad, John, walks at her side. | Location: Probabally East Hampton, New York, USA.
Three acre home of Martha Stewart on Georgica Pond in East Hampton which she spent $3.2 million to buy from architect Gordon Bunshaft's house.
Society member Mrs. Boothe Brokaw poses as she attends the Maidstone Club in East Hampton, Long Island.
Married American painters Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner enter the barn door of their studio 'The Springs' in East Hampton, New York.
View of Jacqueline Bouvier and her mother, Janet Norton Lee, as they ride during a horse show, East Hampton, New York, 1934.
Jackson Pollock holding with his left hand the barn door to his studio at East Hampton; the door is made out of wood and he is smoking a cigarette.