WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange jailed in London on sexual charges
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange jailed in London on sexual charges; ENGLAND: London: GIR:
Mark Stephens (Julian Assange's lawyer) LIVE STUDIO interview SOT
- Notice of about 15 hours of the case / Can appeal bail decision at any point, most logical time would be at the time of the next hearing / Conscious that Julian is spening a night in jail - an innocent man in jail / Today we learned for the very first time information about the allegations that are being made from Sweden about him / There are no charges, still no charges, he is only wanted for questioning and we still have not seen the allegations and we were very, very grateful to Distict Judge Howard Riddle today because he has asked the Prosecutor to share with us the information that constitutes the evidence because he wants to hear representations from both sides as to the strength of that evidence / A lot of people say that European warrants are not challengeable, in fact they are / Number of steps that the Swedes haven't been through even through this formal process / We still don't know what the allegations are, he is only wanted for questioning / There is a real doubt as to whether you can get a European arrest warrant merely from questioning
- First date offered to me for meeting at Wandsworth Prison is 13th December, that is the very next day I am supposed to go to court again with a similarly very short period of notice, which is impossible to prepare a case / I did the best I could today
- I think it is politically motivated / There are darker forces, you get to a point where you can no longer explain a prosecutors behaviour rationally, then in those circumstances you have to look..../ Those women made those allegations back in August, most senior prosecutor in the whole of Sweden looked at it and said there is not a shred of evidence here which warrants an investigation / Then a politician got involved with these women and took them off to another prosecutor in Gothenburg / At tha...

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