Country accused of being involved in American funded war

Country accused of being involved in American funded war; **Re-tx'd 8.4.83/NAT Nic/Hond > Tension Rising** CMS US flag PULL OUT Embassy entrance MS Guard PULL OUT PAN R-L US Embassy MS Windows of Embassy **ENDS** **=Still > re-tx'd 29.3.83/C4N Nicaraguan rebels attack govt troops with Hond & US backing** * 2 SHOT Snow and US Ambassador John Negroponte sitting in garden CMS JOHN NEGROPONTE Intvw. EXT.SOF "Well again as I -- itself." **ENDS** LMS US Information Centre MS Honduran soldier on guard LMS US Information Centre MS Windows PAN L-R NIGHT MS Street at night MS Advertisment signs lit up MS Neon sign MS People outside Snooker Hall MS People at snooker table CMS Shelf of drinks PULL OUT snooker table DAY Danli MS Buildings MS Trees and grass PAN L-R ZOOM two men chat Border Rd. BV Truck and men along BV Army patrol in bush PULL OUT MS Abandoned camp CS Old boot MS Old shelter Danli MS People (refugees) stand in street outside Masonic Hall MS More seated CS Woman PULL OUT with family PAN L-R men stand MS More Mocoron AirV Over Mosquiti Indian camp MS Child runs through rain L-R MS Kitchen and workers in shelter CS Child looks through wood slats PULL OUT more at table eat CS Face of child CS Another eats CMS Another with bowl (raining heavily outside) Las Trojas LMS Border post PAN R-L MS Soldiers at post MS Honduran rancher Mario Rojas talking (face shaded by large hat) MARIO ROJAS EXT.SOF "There are -- against us." CS Border marker stone PULL OUT patrol towards TBV Patrol along MS Helicopter lifts off La Virtud A/G As helicopter on El Salvador border area A/G Ditto Guarita CMS Honduran Col. at map CMS Republic of Honduras PULL OUT map MS Soldier seated CMS Crossword PULL OUT MS Soldiers in mountain dugout BV Soldier looks through binoculars A/G Bird in flight R-L MS Captain looks at map MS Soldier along uneven path Tegucigalpa MS Church and street MS People i...
Country accused of being involved in American funded war; **Re-tx'd 8.4.83/NAT Nic/Hond > Tension Rising** CMS US flag PULL OUT Embassy entrance MS Guard PULL OUT PAN R-L US Embassy MS Windows of Embassy **ENDS** **=Still > re-tx'd 29.3.83/C4N Nicaraguan rebels attack govt troops with Hond & US backing** * 2 SHOT Snow and US Ambassador John Negroponte sitting in garden CMS JOHN NEGROPONTE Intvw. EXT.SOF "Well again as I -- itself." **ENDS** LMS US Information Centre MS Honduran soldier on guard LMS US Information Centre MS Windows PAN L-R NIGHT MS Street at night MS Advertisment signs lit up MS Neon sign MS People outside Snooker Hall MS People at snooker table CMS Shelf of drinks PULL OUT snooker table DAY Danli MS Buildings MS Trees and grass PAN L-R ZOOM two men chat Border Rd. BV Truck and men along BV Army patrol in bush PULL OUT MS Abandoned camp CS Old boot MS Old shelter Danli MS People (refugees) stand in street outside Masonic Hall MS More seated CS Woman PULL OUT with family PAN L-R men stand MS More Mocoron AirV Over Mosquiti Indian camp MS Child runs through rain L-R MS Kitchen and workers in shelter CS Child looks through wood slats PULL OUT more at table eat CS Face of child CS Another eats CMS Another with bowl (raining heavily outside) Las Trojas LMS Border post PAN R-L MS Soldiers at post MS Honduran rancher Mario Rojas talking (face shaded by large hat) MARIO ROJAS EXT.SOF "There are -- against us." CS Border marker stone PULL OUT patrol towards TBV Patrol along MS Helicopter lifts off La Virtud A/G As helicopter on El Salvador border area A/G Ditto Guarita CMS Honduran Col. at map CMS Republic of Honduras PULL OUT map MS Soldier seated CMS Crossword PULL OUT MS Soldiers in mountain dugout BV Soldier looks through binoculars A/G Bird in flight R-L MS Captain looks at map MS Soldier along uneven path Tegucigalpa MS Church and street MS People i...

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Redaktionell #:
Erstellt am:
25. November 1982
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Kein Release verfügbar. Weitere Informationen
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Ursprüngliches Film-/Videoformat:
576 25i