Anti-Government protests: Protests continue
Anti-Government protests: Protests continue; EGYPT: Cairo:
Silhouette of man waving Egyptian flag with sun high in sky
Man with bandage around head calling others to prayer SOT
Muslim men praying on rooftop strewn with rubble
Barricades and rubble seen below on street
Man with helmet keeping watch from roof overlooking roads
Men on back of lorry keeping lookout
Sentry on rooftop with Egyptian flag
Men with rocks (to be used as missiles) on rooftop
Tahrir Square:
TRACK FORWARD Through crowd of anti-Government protestors chanting anti-Mubarak slogans SOT
Man with heavily bandaged hand and other with bandaged head
GVs Muslim men kneeling in prayer
Group of soldiers along in riot gear
Tank across bridge
Mubarak supporters held back behind tanks at entrance to square, seen from above
Man in headscarf looking into camera as exhales smoke
Protesters sitting in burnt out bus, some asleep
Man sleeping at barricades with scarf over eyes PAN to rocks beside
Man walking over broken pipe to wash face in street
Woman beside pile of medical equipment in open air field hospital
Man having head bandaged by doctor
Dr Azza Khalil working in open air field hospital and interview (reporter in shot) SOT
Injured man carried along from scene of fighting
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Erstellt am:
4. Februar 2011
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i
- Kairo,
- Städtische Straße,
- Ägypten,
- Ausschreitungen,
- Demonstrant,
- Demonstration,
- Menschenmenge,
- Anti-Regierungsdemonstration,
- Arabischer Frühling,
- Arbeiten,
- Arzt,
- Audio verfügbar,
- Auge,
- Bandage,
- Barrikade,
- Befragung,
- Bericht - Film und Fernsehen,
- Beten,
- Brücke,
- Bus,
- Dach,
- Echtzeit,
- Erwachsene Person,
- Farbbild,
- Feld,
- Film - Filmtechnik,
- Flagge,
- Frauen,
- Gehen,
- Gestapelt,
- Gesundheitswesen und Medizin,
- Hand,
- Helm,
- Himmel,
- ITV News At One,
- ITV News At Ten,
- Kniend,
- Knochenbruch,
- Konflikt,
- Kopftuch,
- Krankenhaus,
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- Menschen,
- Menschliches Gesicht,
- Männer,
- Panzer,
- Rauchen,
- Rohmaterial,
- Schlafen,
- Schutt,
- Schutz,
- Sitzen,
- Soldat,
- Sprechgesang,
- Straßenverkehr,
- Tahrir-Platz,
- Tragen,
- Transparent,
- Unterstützer,
- Verletzung,
- Waschen,
- Westasien,
- Wind,
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- Zusehen,
- Über etwas schauen,