Adolf Hitler's 55th birthday
Title cards: "1944" and "55th Birthday of Hitler 20 April 1944"/ VO German language narration throughout / A huge eagle emblem with wings outspread standing on a wreath with a swastika and a pan down to "Unsere Mauern, bracken aber unsere herzen night" (Loose translation: 'Our walls do not break our hearts') / A young boy with a swastika armband on his sleeve raises a Reich flag / Top of the Brandenburg Gate with the quadriga atop; pan down to a military band going underneath the monument / Close views of the drum major and his band following / A man attaches miniature reich flags outside his shop, and people wrap a truck with swastika pennants; another woman 'planting' the swastika / A large flag hangs from a devastated building, a broken brick wall, and another person tries to place a flag / An old man buys a newspaper from newsstand with another swastika; tons of fallen brick behind him / A couple, one in a uniform hat, looks over a newspaper / A street with scores of the flags hang outside upscale apartments // Four military officers wait as Hitler's car arrives / He shakes the hand of an officer (possibly Karl Doenitz) who holds a decorative baton / Adolf Hitler with Hans Michael Frank / Hitler greets various people / he laughs with Hermann Goering / VS Hitler with various people including Hermann Goering, Alfred Joel, Karl Doenitz, Heinrich Himmler
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Redaktionell #:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Erstellt am:
20. April 1944
Hochgeladen am:
Kein Release verfügbar. Weitere Informationen
Gemastert mit:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Ursprüngliches Film-/Videoformat:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
- Adolf Hitler,
- 1944,
- Deutschland,
- Heinrich Himmler,
- Deutsch - Sprache,
- Zeitung,
- Geburtstag,
- Wahrzeichen,
- Zweiter Weltkrieg,
- Ankunft,
- Menschen,
- Trommel,
- Wohnung,
- Abwarten,
- Adler,
- Archivmaterial,
- Audio verfügbar,
- Brandenburger Tor,
- Echtzeit,
- Emblem,
- Erwachsene Person,
- Film - Filmtechnik,
- Flagge,
- Flugzeugflügel,
- Frauen,
- Ganz oben,
- Geschäft,
- Groß,
- Grüßen,
- Gummiknüppel,
- HD-Format,
- Hakenkreuz,
- Hand,
- Hermann Göring,
- Hut,
- Hände schütteln,
- Hängen,
- Jungen,
- Karl Dönitz,
- Kaufen,
- Kind,
- Klein,
- Konflikt,
- Kranz,
- Lachen,
- Luxus,
- Major,
- Militär,
- Militärkapelle,
- Militäruniform,
- Miteinander verbunden,
- Monumente,
- Männer,
- Nationalsozialismus,
- Notenblatt,
- Offizier,
- Paar - Partnerschaft,
- Pflanzen,
- Quadriga,
- Rohmaterial,
- Schwarzweiß-Bild,
- Sehen,
- Soldat,
- Sprache,
- Stadttor,
- Stehen,
- Städtische Straße,
- Symbol,
- Uniform,
- Variation,
- Wimpel,
- Wochenschau,
- Zeitungsstand,
- Zerstörung,
- Ziegel,
- Ärmel,