Map Illustrating The Movements For The Relief Of Kimberley And The Capture Of Bloemfontein

Map Illustrating the Movements for the Relief of Kimberley and the Capture of Bloemfontein', 1901. The key indicates the movements of Major General French's cavalry and of the infantry, and the March on Bloemfontein. British soldier John French commanded the Cavalry Division during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), and led a march to relieve Kimberley, Cape Colony (present-day South Africa), on 15 February 1900. From "The Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts, Vol. IV. - To Lord Roberts's Reign in Pall Mall", by J. Maclaren Cobban. [T. C. & E. C. Jack, Edinburgh, 1901]. Artist Unknown. (Photo by The Print Collector/The Print Collector/Getty Images)
Map Illustrating the Movements for the Relief of Kimberley and the Capture of Bloemfontein', 1901. The key indicates the movements of Major General French's cavalry and of the infantry, and the March on Bloemfontein. British soldier John French commanded the Cavalry Division during the Second Boer War (1899-1902), and led a march to relieve Kimberley, Cape Colony (present-day South Africa), on 15 February 1900. From "The Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts, Vol. IV. - To Lord Roberts's Reign in Pall Mall", by J. Maclaren Cobban. [T. C. & E. C. Jack, Edinburgh, 1901]. Artist Unknown. (Photo by The Print Collector/The Print Collector/Getty Images)
Map Illustrating The Movements For The Relief Of Kimberley And The Capture Of Bloemfontein
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Print Collector / Kontributor
Redaktionell #:
Hulton Archive
Erstellt am:
1. Januar 1901
Hochgeladen am:
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Hulton Archive
Max. Dateigröße:
5850 x 3682 px (49,53 x 31,17 cm) - 300 dpi - 1 MB