View from above of a woman's hand and a man's hand holding up two different sized pieces of a chocolate bun. Concept of labor inequality. - Stock-Fotografie

View from above of a woman's hand and a man's hand picking up two different sized pieces of a chocolate bun. Concept of labor inequality. The man has taken the larger piece.
View from above of a woman's hand and a man's hand picking up two different sized pieces of a chocolate bun. Concept of labor inequality. The man has taken the larger piece.
View from above of a woman's hand and a man's hand holding up two different sized pieces of a chocolate bun. Concept of labor inequality.
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Getty ImagesView From Above Of A Womans Hand And A Mans Hand Holding Up Two Different Sized Pieces Of A Chocolate Bun Concept Of Labor Inequality, Stock-FotoView From Above Of A Womans Hand And A Mans Hand Holding Up Two Different Sized Pieces Of A Chocolate Bun Concept Of Labor Inequality, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Fotos zum Thema View from above of a woman's hand and a man's hand holding up two different sized pieces of a chocolate bun. Concept of labor inequality. von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Fotos in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:1316290852
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