ITN Reports: Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials

ITN Reports: Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials; GERMANY: Frankfurt: Dr Franz Lucas (On trial for crimes against humanity at Auschwitz where he was SS Obersturmfuhrer) (Defendant number 11) along to court INT Defendants in court including Oswald Kaduk (former SS Rapportfuhrer)/ Wilhelm Boger (former camp Gestapo) leading other defendants out of court EXT / SNOW ON GROUND Police security vans driven along past / General view of street GERMANY: General view of Friedensallee street and sign / Sign on door advertising Dr Franz Lucas INT Dr Franz Lucas seated at his desk / Lucas' wife washing medical equipment Vox pop Colleague of Dr Franz Lucas (in English) - I heard from Auschwitz that he was there perhaps 2 years ago and first I couldn't believe that and I asked him of this and he said yes I was in Auschwitz, but I never did bad things Frankfurt: EXT / SNOW ON GROUND Arthur Breitwieser (Frankfurt Trial defendant) along / Johann Schobert (Frankfurt Trial defendant) along (keeps face averted) then into building / Woman along [named on soundtrack] / Schobert and Breitweiser out of building Bavaria: Aufsess: Sign to Aufsess, general view of houses / Schobert just seen as into car / Schobert's mother / Schobert driving volkswagen car thru snow Frankfurt: General view of courthouse building / Willi Schatz (Defendant number 13 in Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials) as hides beneath umbrella Hanover: General views of Schatz's dental practice Frankfurt: Children playing in snowy school playground next courthouse building / Various of young men along to hear Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials / General view of courthouse building
ITN Reports: Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials; GERMANY: Frankfurt: Dr Franz Lucas (On trial for crimes against humanity at Auschwitz where he was SS Obersturmfuhrer) (Defendant number 11) along to court INT Defendants in court including Oswald Kaduk (former SS Rapportfuhrer)/ Wilhelm Boger (former camp Gestapo) leading other defendants out of court EXT / SNOW ON GROUND Police security vans driven along past / General view of street GERMANY: General view of Friedensallee street and sign / Sign on door advertising Dr Franz Lucas INT Dr Franz Lucas seated at his desk / Lucas' wife washing medical equipment Vox pop Colleague of Dr Franz Lucas (in English) - I heard from Auschwitz that he was there perhaps 2 years ago and first I couldn't believe that and I asked him of this and he said yes I was in Auschwitz, but I never did bad things Frankfurt: EXT / SNOW ON GROUND Arthur Breitwieser (Frankfurt Trial defendant) along / Johann Schobert (Frankfurt Trial defendant) along (keeps face averted) then into building / Woman along [named on soundtrack] / Schobert and Breitweiser out of building Bavaria: Aufsess: Sign to Aufsess, general view of houses / Schobert just seen as into car / Schobert's mother / Schobert driving volkswagen car thru snow Frankfurt: General view of courthouse building / Willi Schatz (Defendant number 13 in Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials) as hides beneath umbrella Hanover: General views of Schatz's dental practice Frankfurt: Children playing in snowy school playground next courthouse building / Various of young men along to hear Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials / General view of courthouse building

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Redaktionell #:
Erstellt am:
16. Dezember 1964
Hochgeladen am:
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i